Welcome to Decorus liquid metal finishes. With this technology comes the ability to coat almost any type of substrate material in real metal. Suitable for both interior and exterior applications, there are many advantages for the designer, architect or specifier who chooses this application for their residential, commercial, marine or aviation project. In most cases, the results achievable would simply be impossible to replicate in traditional metalworking techniques- from both feasibility and cost perspectives. An additional major advantage of the liquid metal coating process is that it adds very little weight and, therefore, is in particular demand where this is a major consideration.
Liquid metal coatings can be applied to substrates in the workshop and, in many cases, on-site to pre-installed components. All textures, colours and effects can be varied and we are happy to develop bespoke finishes and textures to our clients’ specific brief.
Standard metals include bronze, brass, gold brass, nickel, white gold, zinc, aluminium, tin, copper and white bronze, but metals can be mixed or layered to create an almost infinite palette.
Please do not hesitate to commission bespoke samples to suit your project requirements- usually these can be created within three days and production lead times can be as little as one week from receipt of your free- issued substrate. An additional benefit of utilising this service through Decorus is that we can, if required, produce relevant joinery components or finished pieces.